Thursday, December 21, 2017

Mens Cashmere Over Coats Shows The Beauty Of Tibet’s Mountain Goats

Whoever came up with the idea to trim the hair of those mountain goats in parts of Persia and Nepal was way ahead of their time. Those mountain goats are the animals that keep men warm as well as well-dressed. It’s not just mens cashmere over coats that attract men of all ages. It’s the cashmere sweaters and suits as well other clothing items that put men in the right frame of mind when that are socializing or closing a business deal. Cashmere is the dope material. We can thank those hairy Himalayan goats for making cashmere a delicacy in the fashion world. The funny thing about this goat’s hair is the name. The goats don’t live near Kashmir, but the money to expand the goat population came from Kashmir after the demand for the goat’s wool grew on the trading routes between Tibet and India. 


Cashmere sweaters are always popular, but the mens cashmere over coats are not a shabby second. Men who wear cashmere coats usually buy other cashmere clothing items because cashmere feels great against bare skin. It’s not unusual to click on the MensItaly site and see a great selection of cashmere over coats in several styles. MensItaly works with Italian clothing and shoe factories in Italy. Cashmere is a popular material for Italian fashion designers and for fashion-conscious Italian men. 

But there are Italian men and American men who don’t like the feel or the cost of a cashmere over coat. They are the die-hard wool coat freaks that would rather be in an asylum than wear a cashmere coat. Maybe that kind of thinking comes from having a negative experience with a goat in a former life. That’s what the new age psychics would say. But the truth is cashmere is not for every man. Some men don’t need that extra softness or the luxurious feel of cashmere against the body. And that’s okay. Those men are happy wearing their old 1970s Earth Shoes too, so go figure.

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