Thursday, December 21, 2017

Mens Camel Topcoats Have That James Dean Cool Factor Vibe

Sure. James Dean went to the big motorcycle rodeo in the sky years ago. But he is still alive in the world of fashion. Not a day goes by without someone saying something about the James Dean look and attitude in the men’s clothing industry. Hey, why not? James Dean still sells the sizzle when it comes to skinny fit jeans, rolled up sleeves, motorcycle madness, and mens camel topcoats. I know what you’re thinking. You never saw James Dean in a camel topcoat. But that doesn’t mean he didn’t have one of those 1950s short mohair camel topcoats when he went to one of those celebrity parties. The picture of James Dean in a camel coat with the collar turned up, is still in the minds of some of those surviving party-goers. They can still mentally smell the cigarette smoke on that camel coat. 


The bad boys of Hollywood are important fashion icons. The men who live to cross the line in some weird-looking coats make Italian coat designers happy. I know. Mens camel topcoats are not that weird, but when you wear one with a purple long jacket jean suit, it can look really weird in a good way. But in order to have the right weird factor, your camel coat must be the right length. You can’t wear a camel coat the wrong way in this day and age. Those picky urban fast-ass fashion police won’t put up with it. You know the type. They like to throw a little shade your way when you forget to button the buttons on your two-piece purple suit. That’s an honest mistake in certain circles. But the fashion police you roll with are a finicky group of fashion do-gooders. 

You know they like to push your buttons. And that’s okay because you have the MensItaly stamp of approval to work it without buttoning those cool suit buttons. You have the MensItaly thing down to a fine-tuned science. You visit the site and find what you need to wear with your dope mens camel topcoat and you chill like a true fashion bad boy that doesn’t smoke. 

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