Thursday, December 21, 2017

Mens Camel Top Coats Are Still The Bomb On Runways

Fashion has a strange way of showing itself in the 21st century. Some of the top coats that men grew up wearing are new fashion trends now. A good example is a surge in interest in mens camel top coats. You know the coat I’m talking about. It’s that mohair or cashmere camel top coat that hits the knees. The camel top coat is a four-button beauty with a narrow lapel. Italian men turn that collar up when the temperature drops below 60 degrees. Needless to say, the camel coat is a veteran of the top coat war that is taking place in Florence and on fashion runways around the world. Rather than being an afterthought, the camel top coat is one of the main players in the fast forward fashion world. 


But some men still consider mens camel top coats their high school chum, not their business partner. Those men don’t get the whole fast forward fashion thing. To them, the camel top coat is the coat they had to wear, but they always took off when they reached the car. So there is a certain adolescence stigma surrounding camel top coats. That stigma keeps some men in the trench top coat court. The trench top coat is also a golden oldie, but thanks to Italian designers, that coat is a newborn baby in the fashion world just like the camel top coat. And there’s that strangeness I was talking about. Everything old is new again in the fashion game. The circle of fashion is always complete unless you consider the ugly Christmas sweater. That’s a true fashion alien if there was ever one. 

If you want to join the top coat fashion revolution or evolution, check out the MensItaly site. MensItaly is a top coat, suit, shoe and just about everything else a man’s needs to get in that fashion circle, vendor. The selection of mens camel top coats on the MensItaly website will give you a better grip on how this old faithful coat is turning into a new fashion relic.

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