Friday, December 22, 2017

You Can’t Throw Shade At A Double Breasted Mens Suit

The Real Housewives are turning the tables and throwing shade around like they own the right to humiliate people. No one is immune to the verbal abuse that takes place on these Bravo Shows. The Real Housewives show people how mean-spirited people can be when they don’t like what people say or how they act and dress. There’s an unwritten law on reality shows, and that law gives reality stars the right to make people feel bad about how they dress. Men are not in the same league when it comes to throwing shade at other men. Sure. Men like to do a little suit shade throwing, but men’s shade is subtler, and it doesn’t go as deep as the Real Housewives shade. 


You might not like a friend’s office suit choices. And you may not like what a friend wears to a party you throw for him on his birthday. But you know kind comments and solid fashion advice does more than a shady comment about his one-button, dirty dark green blazer, and his nasty yellow wide leg pant look. You know double breasted mens suit advice is the best advice you can give a friend. Double breasted suits are the kings of the suit world. Famous men top the list of avid double-breasted suit wearers. Think about it. Churchill was always in a double-breasted suit. And Al Capone had to take his famous double-breasted suit off when the government finally sent him away. Even the old 1960s politicians couldn’t resist wearing a double breasted mens suit when the cameras were rolling. The point is, you can’t throw shade at a man in a double-breasted suit. The fashion police will not allow it. 

And the guys who know the true beauty of double breasted mens suits don’t like to hear other guys talk about suit styles in a negative way. Throwing shade is not what the MensItaly website does when they offer men a huge selection of double-breasted suits. That site gives men the opportunity to celebrate their double-breasted suit fetish the right way. 

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