Sunday, December 24, 2017

Long Jacket Suits Are The New Black

You know how it is. Every other color is the new black. Orange is the new black in zoot suits. Midnight blue is the new black in tuxedos, and red is the new black in everything. So why not take that statement a step further and say, long jacket suits are the new black in the hip scene. Sure. Hip is a pretty lame word these days, but you get the picture. Long jackets are showing up on reality shows, movies, and on the street. And there is a good reason for all this long jacket interest. We have long-jacket genes. Our forefathers were huge long jacket fans. During the 17th and 18 centuries, long jackets mimicked the military jackets of the era. Different fabrics and colors brought the jackets into the fashion scene and they are still around. But the new patterns, and fabrics, as well as the new cut of the long jackets, makes them feel dope.  

 It's no wonder long jacket suits websites like the MensItaly site dedicates a lot of shelf space to the new colors, fabrics, and styles of these new fashion freaks. There is a fast-forward fashion freakiness to long jackets and the wide or skinny leg pants that might match or not. It’s the kind of freakiness that guys like you call, on fleak. That’s a good way to describe some of the Italian long jackets coming from Italy. MensItaly has styles and colors of long jacket suits that have serious Italian genes. 

Some fashion dudes like to say the long jacket suit is just a zoot suit traveling under an alias. But that’s not the case. Zoot suits are long jacket suits, but just like the tuxedo, they are the king of fast forward dress category. Sure. You can call your special long jacket look whatever you want to call it. The guys that perform in long jackets call them badass, and the bros that wear them to a meetup call them their 21st-century casual suit look. It doesn’t matter what you call you long jacket suit, so why not call it your new black in fast forward suits?

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